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Friday 20 April 2007

Paranoid or What?

Things on the beautiful planet of ours is changing, we are or should that be we have 'evolved' into two separate evolutions, one that is purely demonic and controlling and the other based more on Freedom and liberation. As of 2007 it is hard to figure out which evolution is going to survive, history shows that all evil comes up against a greater force.

It would be nice to think that we could all live together in harmony, but being realistic and logical for a while this is not going to happen ever. There are some people who believe that we are heading for the end times, as predicted in the bible, other people believe that the world is 'controlled' by a group known as the New World Order. To be honest there is a lot of evidence to prove that both is true, but then again the evidence is all very circumstantial, for the average person it is very hard to know what is true and what is just more propaganda.

What I know for sure is that when our right to choose is taken away from us, then that is when we should be more than just concerned. Our right to choose is being taken away from us on a daily basis, it won't be too long before our right to have organic food will be taken away. In Britain the powers that be are talking about plans to limit our overseas holidays to only one per year, and then we would have to pay a huge 'airport' tax, so that we can protect the environment.

The world is a backwards place, I believe that humanity sold it's soul a long time ago, we sold our soul for a brand new SUV and the big house with fortress walls and security on the gates. Truth doesn't seem to mean anything anymore, our rights are little more than distant memories of a by gone era.

I have been accused of being negative from the things that I write, and the feelings that I share. I keep forgetting that I should just sit here and say my mantra and visualize brilliant white light, and maybe pray to Jesus too.

I am sorry that I have shown you this negativity, I am sorry that I brought you to my blog and there was no marketing to read and no stupid product to waste your money on.

Contrary to popular belief I am not negative, I have a long since forgotten human belief and that is the belief of a better and more humane future. Everyday I live in hope, I live in hope of millions of people all over the world taking to the streets in peace and refusing to give into the tyranny that this planet currently lives under.

Well my friends that is what I hope for, what do you hope for? Or are you still visualizing brilliant white light protecting your brand new SUV?

Monday 9 April 2007

The Warriors Guide 2007

First off let me say sorry, sorry that you are a feeble excuse of a human being. If I have offended you then maybe you should stop reading and shovel some more pizza and beer into you mouth.

I am not here to sweet talk you; I don’t care if you love me or hate me. I am here to train you as a Modern Day Warrior, fit for the challenges of the 21st Century.

Still here? Good let’s go…..

I have been training for about 10 years, and I have seen every fitness gadget you can imagine and I have used them all too. Every month there is a new gadget launched that according to the hype promises to ‘build the best body of your life, faster than ever before!’

I am fed up with all the so called ‘Fitness Gurus’ with the fake tans, and the so called athletic bodies that they allegedly got from using product XYZ.

What I am going to teach you in this site is how to achieve a functional and athletic body. I can’t promise you that in 12 weeks you will look like a Hollywood A-lister or a Pro-Wrestler, but you will be a lot stronger, fitter and more confident than ever before.

I can hear some of you feeble readers moaning ‘I want short cuts’ or ‘I want the secrets to a life with 6% body fat’. Well my lard laden friends, if that’s what you want then go and check out ‘Burn the fat, feed the muscle’ I believe you can buy that fluff packed book for $40.

Anyway, I should be down to the serious people by now. I will get rid of the other dreamers later.

Are you fit enough to train?

I have designed a brief questionnaire so that you can evaluate your current fitness and level of health. I am very conscious that the vast majority of my readers will be people who are relatively out of shape both mentally, physically and spiritually.

Before you go any further I highly suggest that you spend 5 – 10 minutes answering the questions below, so grab yourself a pencil and pad and answer the following questions as honestly as you a currently able.

* Have you experienced unexplained weight loss in the past six months?

* Have you any cuts or wounds on your feet that don't seem to heal?

* Do you take prescribed medications for blood pressure or a heart condition?

* Do you have a bone or joint problem that could worsen as a result of physical activity? Do you have pain in your legs or buttocks when you walk?

* Do you ever become dizzy and lose your balance, or lose consciousness?

* While resting, do you frequently experience fast, irregular heartbeats or very slow heartbeats?

* Do you feel pain (or general discomfort) in your chest when you do physical activity?

* Have you been told you have a heart condition and should only participate in physical activity recommended by a doctor?

If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, I suggest that you consult your Doctor before you even consider altering your diet or engaging in any form of exercise.

If you’re over 40 years old, I still suggest that you get the all clear from your doctor.

Ok, are you fit and healthy? Let’s have a brief look at why you should exercise.

Interesting Fact

About half of young people today between the ages of 12 – 21 are not engaged in vigorous activity on a regular basis.

Why should you Exercise?

If you don’t know why you should exercise, then all I can say is that you must have been living on a dessert island your entire life! The benefits of regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle have been demonstrated in the media for many, many decades.

You have been told how a constructive Diet and Exercise regime can:

* Improve your mood
* Increase Self Confidence
* Improve your sex life
* Increase flexibility
* Decrease your stress levels
* Decrease your cholesterol count
* Help you lose body fat
* Tone muscles

What I find very interesting is that the more knowledge the western world gains about exercise and nutrition, the more obese and complacent that society becomes.

Take a look at the list below, how many of the following sound familiar to you:

* Obesity
* Depressed
* Anxious
* Stiff joints
* Fear
* Stress
* High Cholesterol
* Poor sex life
* Poor skin, hair, nails etc
* Pessimistic outlook on life

Can you relate to any of the above, if you can identify with just one
on that short list, then my friend it is time that you re-evaluate your lifestyle.

Anyway, I am not here to Mother you, I am not going to give you pages and pages of information on Exercise and Nutritional Science. What I will give you in the following pages is the exact same information that I use on a daily basis, this information gives me the energy levels of a 5 year old, and the laser-like focus of a cruise missile!

Follow me; it’s time to see if you can think like a warrior.

Interesting Fact

The World Health Organization states that approx. 2 million people each year die from lack of physical activity.

Can you think like a Warrior?

‘Don’t think you are, know you are’ that was what Morpheus said to Neo in the film the Matrix. That one quote perfectly defines the mindset of the warrior. You can read every book ever written on the subject of Diet, Fitness and Motivation, but I will guarantee you one thing, you will never achieve your goals of losing weight or reaching your peak of physical fitness.

The reason I say that is because you have not applied the mind set of the warrior. In essence the mind of the warrior is not a logical mind, of course logic does play a part but it is not in control of the warriors mind. The driving force of the warriors mind, is the belief that he has in himself.

This is what Morpheus meant when he said that famous quote ‘Don’t think (Logic) you are, Know (Faith, belief) you are. Don’t get me wrong, logic does have a valuable place in the mental arsenal of the warrior, but it is not the driving force of the warrior.

Interesting Fact

Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications account for approx. one-fourth of all prescriptions written in the United States of America every year.

Belief is what will get you through those hard days, when you are de-toxing from your caffeine or cigarette addiction. Logic could never hope to reassure you that tomorrow will be a better day.

A big part of my business is dealing with clients on a Motivational and Training basis, my core teachings revolve around belief. Most people don’t believe me that it is as simple as believing in yourself and your abilities. It’s a bit of a cruel trap really, we keep searching because we often believe that transforming your life can’t be as simple as believing in yourself.

When you were born you had self belief in abundance, there was no negativity inside of you. If you wanted to pick up a toy, you wouldn’t sit there and try and rationalise and analyze it. This is what most people do today, I believe the term is called Paralysis by Analysis.

What I teach my clients is, after they have completed their workout they should spend no more than 5 – 10 minutes analyzing it.

Below are a few simple questions I ask myself after each work out:

1. Did I commit a 100% focus to my training?

o if not why not.

2. How can I improve my next workout?

o Make no more than 3 goals for next workout.

These questions don’t take more than 10 minutes to honestly answer, I suggest that you incorporate similar questions into your training routine.

If you don’t have a journal, I suggest that you start keeping one. They are an excellent tool for monitoring your progress.

How to correctly set Goals

One of the most effective ways of achieving your long term aims is to set goals, most people only ever set long term goals.

Setting only long term goals is a sure fire way to fail to achieve any targets.

Look at the examples below on how to plan successful goals:

Example: I want to lose weight

This is a very generic goal, but you will be surprised how many people mutter these exact words when I ask them what their goals are. A better example would be:

Example: I want to lose 20 pounds in 6 months

This would be a perfect example of a long term goal, once you have your long term goal in mind you then need to break it down into:

* Short Term
* Medium Term

So if your long term goal is to lose 20 pounds in 6 months, we could safely say that your medium term goal would be 10 pounds in 3 months for example.

Once you have your medium term goal in mind, you then need to start breaking it down further. So for example we could say that your short term goal would be to lose 4 pounds in 4 weeks. Once you have hit that short term goal, you then set another short term goal for month 2 and so on and so forth.

Some people even prefer to break these short term goals down into daily goals, so taking the weight loss as an example. You could set a daily goal of consuming 500 fewer calories to help meet your month one target of 4 pound weight loss.

Now it’s your turn:

Grab your notepad and pencil and spend the next 20 minutes thinking about what your long term goal is. Don’t force it, for some people the answers will come quickly for others it may take some time, just be honest and write down what thoughts come into your head.

Once you have your long term goal (long term can be anywhere from 6 months to a year or even longer) it’s time to start breaking it down into medium and then short term goals.

It’s more than Positive thinking

Did you know that the human mind can’t tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined? If you believe with all your heart that you are slim, then your body will eventually change to reflect what you believe. Sounds great doesn’t it. The only problem is that most people have a few positive thoughts and a few thousand negative thoughts every day.

Thinking in a negative way is one of the fastest ways to destroy your energy levels, and it’s not just your negativity that can destroy your energy. Have you ever walked into a room where people have been arguing, did you notice how negative the environment was? How did that make you feel, you may find that if you entered the room in a positive mood, your mood soon changed to reflect the mood of the rest of your environment: I.E NEGATIVE!

A lot of people start off with good intentions to think only positive thoughts; they do the positive affirmations every day but eventually the negativity kicks in, then they start to beat themselves up.

I use a form of guided meditation that I find particularly useful. There is no limit to what you can achieve with this meditation, I personally use it every day to aid me in my understanding of my true self and my training and spiritual objectives.

Try it for yourself and see.

Guided Meditation

The following Guide meditation was created by Edwin Steinbrecher, he has written a fantastic book that goes deeper into the guided meditation process, if you are serious about developing your mental tools then I suggest you purchase ‘The Inner Guide Meditation: A Spiritual Technology for the 21st Century’

The great thing about this guided meditation is that you don’t need to be able to obtain a deep sense of relaxation; you can even do it while you’re washing the dishes!

Here is the basic meditation as taught by Edwin Steinbrecher:

Close your eyes, and invent a cave around you as if you have just walked into the cave and the entrance is at your back. Allow the cave to structure itself as it will, large or small, well-lighted or dim, smooth-walled or rough. Try to be like blank film receiving impressions accept these impressions uncritically as they come to you from this environment. Try not to edit what comes.

Be as sensory as you can. Is the cave moist or dry? Feel the weight of your body as you stand on the cave floor. What kind of floor are you standing on? Feel it with your feet. Is it flat and smooth or rough and uneven? Feel the texture of the floor under your feet. Is it sandy, rocky or gravely? Feel the air around you. Are there currents, or is the air still? Smell the air. Notice the color impressions that come to you. Use all your senses.

Be sure you are observing and sensing this environment while being in your body and looking out of your eyes. Don’t be watching an image of yourself!


When you can feel yourself in the cave, even though things may still be vague at this point, move forward and to the left, away from the entrance further into the cave, and find some kind of doorway or opening there on the left that will lead you out into a landscape.


Take a step out into the landscape when it appears, feeling the new type of ground under your feet. Is it soft or hard, grassy or rocky? What is around you? What is the scene like? Let all these impressions come to you, and let them solidify. What seems to bein the distance? What is the weather like? Be there as totally as you can.

Then in your mind, call for an animal to come to you. Let it be an animal you don’t know (not a familiar house pet or some other known outer world animal, e.g, your friend’s horse, the neighbours cat, the lamb you had when you were a child), but not a fantasy animal like a unicorn or griffin. Ask the animal to lead you off to the right to where your Inner Guide awaits you.

Concentrate on following the animal, and try not to anticipate the Guide. If the animal appears to meander or stops, give it permission to take you directly to the feet of your Guide.

Once with your guide…………..

Start receiving impressions about the figure. Begin with the feet. Are his feet bare or in some kind of footwear? Then slowly work up the body. Allow impressions of what the figure is like to come to you uncritically, again as if you were blank film. What kind of dress or custome is he wearing? What type of body does he have? Is he fat or thin? Is he tall or short? What kind of hair, if any, does he have? If the figure is hooded, ask him to throw back the hood. Is he wearing anything on his head? Is he bearded or clean shaven? What kind of feeling do you get about him? Is he an active or passive man? Gentle and introverted or extroverted and out-going? Is he dressed in the clothing of any particular occupation, trade or time period; any particular country or region of the world?

Does he hold anything in his hands?

Be sure to ask the figure if he is your true Guide and if he has the power to protect you in the inner realms. Generally a false guide will answer “No” to this question or he will disappear. Then ask the figure to take both of your hands in his. Feel the hand contact as much as you can. Feel the texture of his skin. Is his hand warm or cool, moist or dry? Is the skin smooth or rough? Now, with your mind, give him permission to let you feel his feeling for you. If you don’t feel total acceptance and love or caring, you’re with a false guide. There is no love from a false guide.

What if you don’t get your True Guide the first time.

If you cannot feel it, stay where you are and look to the right of where the false guide is or was. Another male figure will be there or at least nearby. Feel where the love energy comes to you from and creates a warmth in your chest, and look in that direction. Go through the earlier process of allowing the Inner Guide to appear clearly to you, and ignore the false guide if he is still hanging about.

Remember that the above is the brief guide to meeting your Inner Guide. I highly suggest that you purchase the book for the full background to this fantastic tool.

Your true Inner Guide can open whole worlds that you never thought or dreamed possible.

So you think that's air your breathing?

You maybe were wondering why I have included a section on breathing. Well the answer is easy, most people don’t breathe correctly. The human body can abstain from consuming food for about 3 weeks, and from consuming water for about 3 days, just try holding your breath for 3 minutes and you will soon discover how important breathing is.

Did you know that incorrect breathing can cause:

* Muscular Tension
* Mental and Physical Exhaustion
* Decrease Athletic Performance
* Increase aches and illnesses
* Headaches
* Fatigue
* Stress
* Anxiety
* Poor circulation

Interesting Fact

The average human being takes on average
20,000 – 30,000 breaths per day.

For the warrior correct breathing is a very important tool, more important than diet and maybe even more important than cardio training.

Take this short test to see if you are breathing correctly:

* Place your hand on your abdomen area.
* Place another on your chest.
* Now breath normally and deeply if you wish.
* Which hand moved first or the most?
* If it is the hand on your chest, oh dear you failed.

Well done, if you passed this little test. If you failed, don’t worry most people fail the first time.

Perform this exercise everyday for a week:

Before you progress to the physical exercises in this book,
I suggest that you spend 20 minutes every day for a week just watching your breath. Don’t force anything, just watch and listen.

If you think this exercise is easy, then think again. You maybe able to perform this exercise easily whilst relaxing in your garden. What if I remove you from your peaceful surroundings and place you in the subway at rush hour, people rushing past you, pushing you out of the way, and maybe even swearing at you.

Are you still breathing deeply?

Why you should exercise using only your bodyweight.......

‘I practice what I preach’

This section on bodyweight training is going to be no different; I am not going to claim that I have created all of the exercises that follow, like some other so called fitness experts.

But I will guarantee that I personally use all of the exercises in this section, and I personally know the benefits and drawbacks of each of them.

So without anymore delay, let’s get training.

Why train using your own bodyweight:

There is a simple answer to this, Functional Fitness and Strength! If you thought that you would get ripped muscles and 21 inch biceps, then sorry dude but your reading the wrong book, but some how I think you already know that.

Training using your own bodyweight will give you ‘real world’ strength, not the type of strength that you can only sustain for a few moments in the gym, whilst you are showing off to you buddies.

If you want to see what old school functional fitness looked like, then take a look at the old school wrestlers like Gamma. These guys had functional strength by the bucket load. Some of the modern guys who are bringing this way of training back into ‘fashion’ are people like Matt Furey and Pavel Tsatsouline.

Basic Bodyweight Exercises

There are three basic exercises that I use every single day, and I highly suggest that you include them in your training routine.

These have been taken from my mentor, Matt Furey. Matt refers to them in his book ‘Combat Conditioning’ as The Royal Court.

* Hindu Squats
* Hindu Pushups
* Back Bridge

These exercises can, and should be performed on a daily basis for optimum benefit.

Hindu Squats

1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart and your toes pointing forwards, your hands are pull in tightly to your chest. Inhale
2. Keeping your back straight, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
3. As you lower yourself to the floor, your hands are behind your back, making a kind of swinging motion as you lower yourself.
4. As you move toward the parallel to the floor position, you should simultaneously raise your heels from the floor.
5. Now swing your arms upwards and push off your toes, raising your body to a standing position.
6. As you raise your body, your hands come in front of your body. Your arms will continue to rise until they are level with your chest.
7. Once you have arrived in the up position, you pull your arms toward your chest in a form of rowing motion. Make tight fists with your hands and pull. Your arms should be close to your sides when you pull.
8. Inhale as you pull your arms in, and then exhale as you lower.
9. Repeat the exercise for desired number of reps, you should aim for about 50 on your first attempt.

Hindu squats feel a bit weird at first, but after a few sessions they soon become second nature.

Hindu Pushups

1. Start with your hands on the floor, shoulder width apart.
2. your feet are on the floor, your legs should be shoulder width apart.
3. The starting position is with your bum in the air, and you should be looking back towards your heels.
4. Bend your elbows and lower your body in a circular arc, until your arms are straight. Your chest should be up and your hips will be able to the floor.
5. Look up towards the ceiling, Breathe out.
6. Push back towards your heels again, straightening your arms and stretching your legs, just as you did in step 3
7. Do as many repetitions as you can

The first time you perform this exercise you should aim to knock off about
25 – 50 repetitions.

Back Bridging

Back bridging is a very controversial exercise, if you have any spinal or neck problems then I suggest that you avoid this exercise. Otherwise it’s full steam ahead. Let’s have a look at how Matt Furey teaches this exercise.

1. lie down on a soft mat (a yoga mat is ideal for this exercise) with your back facing down.
2. Bend your legs and place the palms of your hands by your shoulders.
3. Drive off your legs and push off your hands until you are placing weight on the top of your head.
4. Once your on the top of your head, arch your lower back and push your chest forward. Your aim is to touch your nose to the mat behind you.
5. Rock back and forth, trying to go further each time. Please take your time, chances are you will not be flexible enough to touch your nose to the floor straight away.
6. Go back and forth 10 – 20 times
7. Inhale when you push upward. Exhale when you come down.

The Royal Court exercises that Matt Furey suggests in his book, Combat Conditioning are very effective and I personally use them in my daily training routine with great effect. Using the Royal Court for 15 minutes every day will change your Body and Mind from a feeble human being into a fully fledged warrior in no time at all.

I personally recommend that you perform these exercises 3 – 4 times per week. If you follow these simple exercises for 6 – 8 weeks, you will see a huge increase in:

* Flexibility
* Strength
* Mental Focus.

After 6 – 8 weeks of following this introduction to warrior training, you will be ready to tackle the serious stuff.

Eating like a warrior............

There has never been such a controversial topic as the human diet. This diet can be debated for eons, and it has been. If you asked a raw foodist what they considered to be the right diet for humanity, the fist answer you get would be Organic Fruits and vegetables with a few nuts and seeds thrown in.

If you asked an omnivore if they considered a raw food diet as optimal nutrition for humanity, they would most likely say that raw fruits and vegetables are for animals like rabbits! So where does the warrior stand on the debate of what is right for them, well coming from my own experience I prefer to opt for a high raw fruit and vegetable diet with the odd bit of organic meat thrown in from time to time.

The bottom line of eating for a warrior is this, does it work for YOU?

How do you know your diet is working:

If you experience any of the following, then it is time that you re-evaluate your diet.

* Tiredness (If you have had enough sleep the night before)
* Joint Pains
* Anxiety
* Apathy
* Weakness
* Bad Breath
* Irritability
* Depression
* Nervousness
* Fatigue
* Bleeding Gums
* Osteoporosis

If you have any of the above, then you need to take another look at the diet that you are following:

Lets take a brief look at what makes up an effective diet:


The word protein is the most controversial word in the whole nutritional world, protein can spark the most furious debates between nutritionists the world over. Why, well it’s simple, nobody really knows for sure exactly how much protein the human body actually requires.

What we do know is that the more active amongst us needs more protein than the less active, so listen up warriors this means you. If you asked a bodybuilder how much protein we need to build muscle, they would give you a figure like 1 – 3 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Well using me as an example lets see how that breaks down in the real world:

Bodyweight: 175 Pounds

Daily protein requirement at 1 gram per pound of bodyweight
= 175 grams.

Daily protein requirement at 3 gram per pound of bodyweight
= 525 grams!

I don’t know about you, but that looks like a lot of protein. But do we really need that much protein? The World Health Organisation (W.H.O) doesn’t think so. The W.H.O maintains that the human body can function perfectly well on 10 – 20 grams per day.

Personally speaking I consume anywhere between 60 – 100 grams of protein per day, this works well for me but I am not an aspiring Body Builder so this figure might be too low for some people.

From analyzing my own diet I have discovered that my protein intake makes up for between 10% – 12% of my daily consumed calories. This is also the daily percentage that is recommended by current nutritional research, this is also the amount that I highly suggest that you follow.

If you need help analyzing your diet, then I have a fantastic tool that you can find at the end of this book, best of all its free.


Carbohydrates are the fuel that keeps the body moving, there are two types of carbohydrates:

1. Fast Releasing
2. Slow Releasing

Fast Releasing Carbohydrates

These carbohydrates provide the body with a quick release of energy, these make perfect food selections if you need a quick boost before a workout.

The following is a small list of Fast Releasing Carbohydrates:

* Bananas
* Dates
* Raisons
* Water Melon
* Pumpkin
* coffee

Consuming Fast Release carbohydrates should only really be used before a workout, and then only used sparingly. The consumption of fast release carbohydrates provide the body with a much need boast, but they come with an often unpleasant side effect. Fast release carbohydrates are addicting, this is why people drink so much coffee, they use it as a pick me up and a short while later their blood sugar drops and they need another ‘fix’. So use fast release carbohydrates sparingly, you have been warned!

Slow Release Carbohydrates

Slow release carbohydrates are the king of the jungle, these are what should make up the majority of your carbohydrate intake.

The following foods are perfect sources of slow releasing carbohydrates:

* Fresh fruits and Vegetables
* Whole grains
* Breads
* Pasta
* Pulses

Avoid at all costs, all refined products such as white bread, white pasta etc.

How much of my diet should consist of carbohydrates:

The modern diet currently consists of approximately 28% carbohydrates and 20% sugar. From personal experience I have discovered that a diet that focuses on around 70%– 80 % of complex carbohydrates is ideal for keeping energy levels high and burning excess pounds of fat, this is also the level that more enlightened nutritionists are suggesting.

But once again you need to learn to listen to what your body is demanding.


Today fat seems to have become the evil word amongst dieters the world over, if we are not consuming to much of it, then we are trying to eliminate it totally from our diets. The bottom line on fat is, we need it! Well we need the right kind of fat and at the right quantity.

There are two types of Fat:

* Saturated
* Unsaturated

Saturated Fat

Saturated fat is in essence bad for you, and should be kept to a minimum. The human body does not need to consume saturated fat in order to survive, but ironically this fat is what is making up the vast majority of modern mans diet!

The main sources of saturated fat are Meat and Dairy products.

Interesting Fact

The Modern diet consists of around 40% fat.

Unsaturated Fats

There are two types of unsaturated fats:

* Monounsaturated
* Polyunsaturated

Polyunsaturated fats are a vital source of Omega 6 and Omega 3 oils, these oils are essential for the health of the immune system, nervous system, cardiovascular system and the skin.
A good indication of deficiency of these two oils is dry skin.

Good Sources of Omega 3 and 6

* Pumpkin Seeds
* Flax Seeds
* Sesame Seeds
* Sunflower Seeds
* Oil Fish, such as Salmon, Tuna and Mackerel

It is very important to get one serving of the above everyday, in order to protect against deficiencies.

How much fat should you consume:

You should consume no more than 10% - 15% of your daily calorie consumption from healthy fats, this is the same amount that I consume on a daily basis.

How many calories should be consumed on a daily basis:

The recommend calorie consumption for a normal everyday working person, should be around 2,000 to 2,500. However, calculating exactly how many calories you should consume is beyond the scope of this little book.

The tool that I suggested earlier in this section, can be a very helpful guide if you’re into the analyzing what you eat and when you ate it etc.

Otherwise just listen to you body; you will soon come to know when you are really hungry and not just pretending because you are bored.

Sprint or Jog, that's the million dollar question..............

training is important to the warrior, there are two main types of cardiovascular (CV) training that the warrior may need to incorporate into his training.

* Endurance based CV Training
+ Endurance training is all about putting the time and the distance in. In sort you build endurance by running further, or cycling further. Simple really.
* High Intensity based CV Training
+ High intensity training has proved to be most effective if limited to no more than 3 – 4 sessions per week, lasting no more than 20 – 30 minutes each.

First of lets have a look at the overall benefits of CV training, most people when they train their cardiovascular system use various different types of aerobic activities, such as:

* Running
* Rowing
* Cycling
* Aerobic dance classes
* Swimming

What does aerobic mean:

The word aerobic literally means in the presence of air, aerobic energy is produced when oxygen combines with carbohydrates, proteins and fats and is then broken down by the enzymes in your muscles to generate energy.

Interesting Fact

The average human heart will pump up to 167 million litres of blood in a year, and beat as many times as 37 million times.

What type of CV training is best for you:

That very much depends on your goals, if your goal is to run a marathon then you would need to follow a purely endurance based CV routine. On the other hand if you are seeking to lose a few pounds of fat, then you would opt for high intensity CV training over no more than 3 – 4 sessions per week.

More to follow on this later………..

Thursday 22 March 2007

Panic and Anxiety Attacks

A close friend of mine has been suffering from Anxiety attacks for many years, he has tried everything going, but he has still be unable to understand the reasons for his anxiety. Anyway long story short, he called me the other day and he was a very different person.

He had come across this product on the internet, I was very skeptical at first because I know that the internet is the worlds biggest marketing forum and there are a lot of bogus 'gurus' out there.

I listened carefully to everything he told me, about how he had been using this product for a few weeks and he had achieved pretty amazing results.

I realise there are a lot of people out there who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, so I told my good friend that I would write a quick post about his results.

If you wanna check out my friends highly recommended product, then you can find it here.

Love, love


Friday 16 March 2007

What is a warrior

It dawned on me the other day, that I talk a lot about being a warrior but I am conscious that the term warrior, creates images of men with big bulky muscles slicing and dicing other warriors on the battle field.

Speaking as a self confessed warrior myself, I have never engaged in any sword fights or rescued any damsels in distress!

So if being a warrior is not about violence, then what is it about?

If you look at the characteristics of the warrior, you will notice that they are very very focused, they have a single minded focus that is second to none. Some people call this being stubborn or steadfast, I believe that it is more than that, I believe that warriors have a belief in their own actions and abilities.

Most people have lost this belief, they seem to have a need to letother people be responsible for their actions. Although I paint a negative picture of the current state of humanity, I believe things are starting to change.

The warrior inside of each of us is about to be awoken!

Tuesday 27 February 2007

Super-Slow Bodyweight Exercising

I have been experimenting recently with Super-slow bodyweight exercises, what’s that I hear you ask?

Super-Slow is a controversial Body Building technique, instead of performing multiple sets per body part, you would perform only 1 set to failure. The major difference between is how long you take to perform 1 repetition, the average rep count is 4 seconds up, hold for 1 second and then lower for 4 seconds.

Super-slow takes the average repetition count and totally blows it out of the water! Generally speaking with Super-slow you take 10 seconds to lower, 10 seconds to lift and about 5 seconds holding at the most difficult part of the exercise.

Why perform Super-slow?

In a word, STRENGTH!

Super-slow is not something you perform every workout, because it is a very demanding on the physiology of the body and you will soon deplete your energy stores, shortly followed by over-training.

How many exercises should I perform?

Generally speaking you should not perform more than 6 – 8 different exercises per session; this is because of the High Intensity nature of the training. I suggest the following Bodyweight exercises;

  • Pull-up or Chin-up
  • Dips
  • Push-up
  • Crunch or old fashioned sit-up
  • Bodyweight Squat

The above exercises should give you a very intense workout if you follow the principle of Super-slow training as outlined above.

How long should I perform these exercises for?

I personally suggest that you follow the above routine for 3 days per week, alternating the day’s you workout on (i.e. Mon, Wed and Fri). I would also suggest that you perform this routine, on a rotating basis, so for example:

Week One - Perform Super – Slow Training
Week Two - Perform training at normal speed, maybe even try Speed specific training

The basic rule of thumb is to listen to your body, at times you may wish to perform more than one week of Super-Slow. There is no right or wrong way of using this system.

If you’re interested in learning more about Super-slow Bodyweight training, you can join our Free Newsletter at

How to Exercise like a Warrior

Learning to exercise like a warrior is easy if you understand the following simple guidelines:
  • Everything the warrior does has to be efficient
  • Everything the warrior does must be effective

So taking the above bullet points into account, how would a warrior exercise? The warrior generally would not opt to use weight training as a staple in his training for the following reasons:

Weight training can only be done if there is access to weights and machines.
Weight doesn’t teach the warrior how to naturally use his muscles.

So if weight training is not suitable for constant use in a warriors training regime, what does that leave? Body-weight training is the perfect staple in the warriors training for the following reasons:
  • Can be performed anywhere.
  • No equipment is required
  • No gym memberships

Are there any negatives to performing bodyweight exercises? Some people believe that increasing resistance on a body weight routine is impossible, well the answer to that is yes and no, you can increase resistance by elevating the body in different positions (ie; elevated push-ups etc)

So what exercises do you suggest to get started? The basics are as follows:
  • Body-weight squats (one-legged etc)
  • Ski sits
  • Push-ups (elevated, one-legged, etc)
  • Handstand Press
  • Pull-ups
  • Dips

Unlike weight-training these exercises are not performed on a set and rep principle, instead we use the term MMF or Momentary Muscular Failure. MMF basically means you perform an exercise like a push-up until you can’t perform another full rep no matter how hard you try.

Try the basic routine above for a few weeks and see how you go, here’s a friendly warning for you, if you can do 500 body-weight squats you may discover that you don’t have full use of your legs for a few days! I remember the first time I did 1,000, yes that’s right 1,000 body-weight squats my legs felt like lead for over a week!

If you want more training tips like this, then drop by my site for more information.

Loving The Experience

My three year old son started playgroup today, for the last couple of days it has been all he has talked about. That really got me thinking, isn't this the way we are supposed to be as adults, embracing new experiences either good or bad. We seem to have a tendency as adults to put everything into boxes, if I consider some experiences bad I will be stressed and unhappy and if I consider other experiences good I will be happy and joyful.

We as adults have a tendency to put ourselves in situations that we consider 'stressful', and then instead of making a choice as to whether or not to accept or change the situation, we will stay in the 'stressful' situation and complain and play victim. Some people spend all their lives playing victim, never taking any responsibility for their own lives.

In a way I can't really blame these people, we live in a world were we are taught how not to be responsible. Please sign this 'waiver' this does away with any need to be responsible for your own actions!

A waiver is nothing more than a legal reason to be unconscious, being unconscious accounts for the following:

  • Global Warming and Damage to the Environment
  • Violence (both verbal and physical)
  • Stress
  • 'Accidents'
  • Not being Financial Free

Are you going to keep living your life as an 'Accident' waiting to happen? Or will you start taking some responsibility for yourself and for this planet we call home?

Where we go from here is up to you.

The Office Shadow

I have been working as a Financial Administrator for a big Multinational Company for several months now, this has been my first office J.O.B in about 6 years or so. But it still never ceases to amaze me how prominent the Human Shadow is when confined to the four walls of the office. There seems to be a never ending barrage of back biting and fake love.

There is one young lady in our team that has been made the scapegoat, the team are all very nice to her face, but as soon as she is out of ear shot the comments start to flow.

Working in an office is a good place to discover just how conscious you really are, to be honest I am finding it hard work at the moment, the constant negative energy is starting to tear away at me. Each day I come to work and I am faced with the constant negative energy, I am reminded how something as terrible as what is currently happening in the middle east can occur.
A world based on fake love has always been and always will be a receipe for pain and destruction.

A lot of people are still resting under the illusion that they are in some way perfect and that it is other people who have the problem, this is a very dangerous attitude to hold.
If you want to see what happens to a person when the negativity gets to them, then may I suggest you watch the film 'Falling Down', this is abit of an extreme example but it does happen and it seems to be happening more and more.

The only solution to preventing the destruction that we are seeing on a daily basis is to learn how to integrate your shadow, without this integration then shadow projection will continue to cause havoc on this planet and it's inhabitants.

Fear of your Life

As I sit here looking out of my window, watching the world go by I can't help but wonder. Why are people in denial of the truth? I see people with pained expressions on their faces, wasting energy pretending to be something or someone they are not. Scared to show the world who they are, for fear of rejection or condemnation. They defend the castle of their deception till the day that they die, scared to be who god destined them to be. People seem to be proud that they look like they have fought a thousand battles and lost.

Just look into their eyes, you can see the pain screaming at you! I'm sorry but am I supposed to be impressed that you have spent your entire life torturing yourself? Human beings are creatures of vast energy, and we utilize that energy by repressing who we are.

Our natural birth right is to be a fully functioning loving being, repressing our love for ourselves and each other is the fastest way to deplete your energy. When people have a 'lack' of energy their first thought is 'Maybe I haven't had enough sleep' or maybe 'My diet is all wrong, maybe I should become a vegan' how many of us realise that the truth could be much closer to home? How many of us conform to what others expect just to keep the peace, or tow the line? Who's benefit is this for?

Maybe you just want a peaceful life.Do you like to dance? Most people do, it's just one of the many thing's that people repress. Their favourite song comes on the radio and they really want to get up and dance, but what stops them?

Fear!, they can't dance, now what? Instead of getting up and expressing them self as only they can, they will sit there and be miserable.Fear is a very powerful tool when used correctly, but most people will let fear turn them into a pathetic mess on the floor.

Am I saying that your weak if your scared of something? No not at all, what I am saying is that it is how you respond to what scares you. Will you adopt the mentality of a warrior or a coward? There will be times when you confront your fear, and your fear will totally trash you!

This is where the warrior mentality comes into it's own, are you going to lie on the floor feeling sorry for yourself or will you get up and try again?Next time you meet fear, take a long hard look into his eyes. You maybe surprised at what you see!

Don't let fear rule your universe.

Miss Perception Meets Mr Delusion

Why is it that what a person see's is rarely an accurate reflection of the Truth? Women seem to suffer greatly with this self induced sense of perception, when it comes to the subject of weight, women seem to view themselves as bigger than they actually are, this however seems to be the complete opposite to how men perceive themselves.

This self perception issue is not just related to weight, I have lost count of how many 'victims' of life I have had the pleasure to meet, everyone of these so called 'victims' have one recurring theme, these people will shout from the roof tops till they are blue in the's not me, it's them...I never asked for this to happen!

The vast majority of people have no understanding of basic psychology, how much do you know about your own psychological make-up? Do you know why you get angry? Do you consider your anger as justified? Is it possible that your anger is in reality your own Shadow Projection? The Human Shadow isn't inherently bad, there are alot of positive aspects within the Shadow.

The Shadow is at it's most destructive when you are resting under the illusion that you are never at fault for any situation that you find yourself in. This is called Projection, you are basically externalizing everything that you feel; for example if you are feeling Angry you will Project that feeling onto an external screen (person).

That way you can justify never excepting your anger as part of who you are, you have no need because your not angry it's them!

Try this little exercise: next time you feel that you are projecting, take a moment to focus on your Breath. This is a very simple exercise, but it is also very effective when performed correctly. This exercise performs two functions, first it calms you down and second it makes you conscious of the current situation.

Once you have calmed down, you can then evaluate the current situation and make the relevant rational choice/s. When you are conscious of the Present moment there is no Stress, because you are making the conscious choice of ether accepting the current situation or changing it.
Once you have spent some time focusing on your Breath you will learn to understand and recognize your own Shadow before you Project it onto another person.

I will be explaining more about the power of the breath in future articles and writings.

How can a Taoist help you lose weight!

What is this madness, how can a Taoist help me lose weight! I thought all Taoist's live in a monastery on nuts and berries? You don't want really expect me to live off nuts and berries, just so I can lose 20 pounds do you?


No, I don't suggest that you go and make such a drastic change to you nutritional habits, although many 'health' gurus out there do expect that sort of a change and they will throw every bit of Scientific Research at you they can find to justify their new book or DVD.

Today everything is put into two categories 'Good' and 'Bad'. We have Good people, and we have Bad people, we have Good fats and we have Bad fats. Back in the days of the Taoist things were a lot more simple, the Taoist new that to lead a healthy and happy life he had to live in harmony with nature.

So what does it mean to live in harmony with nature? Well before you say it, No you don't have to sell your house and build a hut in the middle of some forest. Nature or Gaia has given us everything we need to live a healthy life, but we have forgotten how to listen to Gaia.

Today Gaia's richness has been replaced with the super sized Big Mac meal and the 3 Gallon diet coke for only a few cents extra! Well, forgive me if I am wrong but MSG and Aspartame are not natural products, hence they are totally against everything that Gaia stands for.

The junk food industry is against everything that the Taoist lives for, they do not teach people how to be responsible for what they consume, they do not make people aware of what people are consuming in their 'Restaurants'.

So what does a Taoist suggest to help me lose a few pounds? Well the key word here is simplicity, by simplicity I am mean Natural. Each time you eat something ask yourself this question, is what I am consuming Natural? One brief check of the ingredients and you can tell instantly if it is natural.

Try this little experiment for a week and see how you feel, I would love to hear how you got on with this experiment, please feel to post a comment on our blog!

1. Keep your stimulants to a minimum (i.e. caffeine, that means those diet soda's too)
2. Consume about 70% Fresh fruits and Vegetables (Yes, you can juice them too)
3. The other 30% should consists of about 20% Organic Meat, and 10% Fats
4. Remember to drink pure mineral water; stay away from tap water (contains many bad chemicals!)

If you're looking for some more reading information, you may wish to check out this e-book, I found it interesting although I don't agree with some of what the author says. You can also read my review of this e-book on my website

Health and You

I have spent the last few days listening, listening to my feelings, listening to others but something still nags at me. I may have been listening, but nobody else was. I have been shown over and over again, that what is said is very different to what a person hears. Either a person is not interested, or maybe they have not been taught how to listen.

We live in a sick society, we are taught that as soon as your ill you have to visit your doctor, if you need to lose weight you have to go out and buy the latest 'Scientific' book on how to lose weight and change your life too. I'm sorry, but why do you need to spend money on a book/dvd on a subject that is so simple. OK, before people start moaning that not all people who need to lose weight are able to.

You are totally correct, there are a small number of people out there who have a medical condition that makes it very difficult to lose weight.The sad fact of the matter is this, most people who are obese are totally unconscious of what they are shovelling into their mouths. If you confront these types of people, they will give you a hundred different reasons why they can't.

They are suffering from massive denial! How many people still have no understanding of the human body that they inhabit, they abuse their bodies mentally and physically and then to add insult to injury they have no idea why it stops functioning. “Quick phone the doctor, I am too lazy to do anything myself!”Most illnesses has it's roots in emotional problems, it is only when the emotional issue has not been dealt with that the body has to give you a huge kick in the butt. Nothing in this world happens without a reason, there are no 'grey' areas.Are you going to get in touch with how you feel? Or do you need some 'magic' pills from the Doctors?

The big 'Health & Fitness' craze that has been around now for a number of years really makes me laugh, we are sold the benefit of joining a health club, sold a membership to run on a treadmill getting no where fast. We are sold the latest books, DVD's and gadgets for getting super ripped abs. Spend $39.99 and in less than 20 minutes, 3 times per week you too can look like Cindy Crawford. Just don't look in the mirror because you may realise your not Cindy and put that super gadget under the bed, next to the last gadget you brought. Sorry if any of this is making you angry, but I get emotional when people refuse to take a long hard look at themselves.

Yes I know that seeing yourself for who you are will be very painful, but don't you think you owe it to yourself to be honest after all these years of neglect? Throw away those silly gadgets that you never really wanted anyway, and stand tall as the creator of your universe. Take a deep Breath and............


I am (Insert Name Here) and I am the creator of my universe, and I love myself for who I am.

Global Fascist State

The Neo-Con’s crusade through the Middle East seems to be gathering pace now, I feel sorry for the innocent children that have lost their lives and the lives of those close to them. I don’t know how people can watch the news and not feel totally ashamed to be human.

I am going to put my neck on the line and say that I can foresee western military forces entering Lebanon by the end of this year, using the flag of peace as a deception. I also believe that this will be the precursor to a full scale invasion of either Iran or Syria or maybe both.

The Neo-cons are very clever at using fear to obtain their goals, just like they did for 9/11. I believe that another incident on the scale of 9/11 will be needed to ‘justify’ the invasion of Iran/Syria.

I am not sure where this is all going to end; some people are predicting that this could be the start of world war 3.

That is a very good possibility, considering that the Neo-Cons are using the Muslims as a scapegoat for their plans. If things start to get any hotter in the Middle East, then I would start looking for an alternative way to get to work, because oil prices will sky rocket like never before.

Thank god for my little bike!

I am not sure what we can do to avoid all this destruction, maybe it is our Karma? I would hope that as a race we could become conscious of the destruction that we are causing on this beautiful planet of ours, before it is too late.

How to achieve Freedom in the 21st Century

Are you trying to tell me I am not Free? Well, the citizens of the western world are Free, well to an extent, as long as you pay your Taxes and don't say anything bad about the 'embarrassment' that is your President or Prime Minister.

What I am referring to is the Freedom of your Emotions, Finances and your ability to Love humanity and Gaia.

Lets look at how Freedom affects the following:

2.Love of Humanity and Gaia
3.Financial Freedom


We are so scared of being who we are, we are scared to cry in front of other people, men are scared to hug other men out of fear of being considered Gay (unless these men are on a Sports field!). Most men can demonstrate one emotion very very well. Anger, most men seem to have a huge problem with anger, and it's not always men, women are starting to get in on the act too.

I understand why most men are angry, they are taught from being children, their Uncles, Fathers and Grandfathers teach them anger as something Holy and Good. Son, you have to teach a woman her place, just give her a smack and she will soon learn her place!

I am not suggesting that anger is bad, what I am saying is that when anger is manifested in the 'outside' world it turns into pure violence and hatred, if you don't believe me just switch on CNN.
When was the last time you stopped and listened to what your emotions had to say to you?

Love of Humanity and Gaia:

As a British man I can speak from first hand experience of how cold humanity is capable of becoming, the average British person will only communicate with you if they can get something from you. On the outside people can give the illusion of being really nice, but what are their motives of being this 'nice' mask? Just don't disagree with people, when their nice mask falls off you may not like what you see.

We live in a world of Political Correctness gone totally nuts, since when was it bad to hold an opinion that was totally different from the rest of collective? What has happened to respecting other people's opinions, doesn't Freedom means Freedom to express what you believe, right or wrong.

The British person has next to zero respect for Gaia or anything else, this country is so dirty and dark. Britain is a major consumer based society, everything is 'what can I buy, how cheap can I get it!' People generally don't care if their Nike shoe's are made in a sweatshop in the far east, and the employees (slaves) are paid barely enough to live!

We have the power to change this path of destruction, but as much as I live in hope of wakening to a New World based on Love and Compassion, somehow I get the feeling this is futile when you are surrounded by people saying 'wow, I brought this sweater from GAP and I saved £5.00!'

Wake-up People!

Financial Freedom.

How can you be Free when you work at K-Mart for $5 an hour? The human race is financially controlled by 10% of the world, these people are known as the 'Global Elite'. These people are taking (taken?) all of our wealth and telling us that we are not worthy. This would not be possible if we were taking responsibilty for our own Financial Freedom! Instead we put our Resume/CV into K-Mart trying to justify that we are worth the minimum wage.

We have given away our Financial Freedom for too long now, that vast majority of the world is wrapped up in debt, and who are we paying this debt to? Yep, you guessed it, the Global Elite.
Money is a tool, a tool to be used to experience life here on this beautiful planet.

Instead we use what little money we have left after paying the mortgage that we can't afford, just to live!

Slavery still exists, the only difference is the shackles have been replaced with Car/house payments that you can't really afford to pay, but then again you can't afford not to.

You are not living, you are surviving!

Is your indifference killing our home.

I overheard a very interesting conversation the other day, the whole conversation was based around the topic of ‘I’ or should that be ‘Me, me, me’. The conversation basically went like this; ‘I got a new mobile (cell) phone last night, it’s really cool and it’s pink, I was so ashamed of my last one, but I am happy now because this is cool and it’s pink!’ The young lady looked over at me as if to say, look and me, look at my phone.

I could feel my anger mounting from deep within me, I felt like screaming ‘this world is falling apart, there is mass pollution, and children are being murdered for no reason, and you want me to pay homage to your stupid mobile phone, just because it’s pink!

People’s indifference is amazing, we seem to be able to justify killing other human beings, justify slavery because it means we can get cheap clothing and home furnishings. People are amazing if it’s not happening on their doorstep, they just don’t care. Well my friends global warming is on your doorstep, it’s on everybody’s door step!

I wrote an article about how people refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, this world is full of little egos battling to prove that what they believe is all good and holy and everybody else is wrong. Of course that attitude is natural, it’s what the ego does; ‘my car is better than your car’ etc. But you can’t afford to hold that kind of attitude when the planet is facing a massive crisis, wars are being waged all over the planet, chemical weapons are being used on a daily basis. Children are being born badly deformed as a direct result of the use of these chemical weapons, and the topic of general conversation is:

Look at my new pink phone!

One of the fastest way’s of rousing my anger is to show your indifference, there is/was an old saying ‘Ignorance is bliss’ well look at what your ignorance is creating.

Monday 26 February 2007

What's the Big Secret to losing weight?

According to all the Marketing books I have read I am supposed to instill some fear into you the reader, perhaps by saying things like how obesity kills XXX thousands of people each year, or how about this one, fat guys and girls don't get laid! Well lets get rid of some of those silly fears:

1.We all know the risks of being obese, just switch on CNN!
2.Fat Guys and Girls do get laid, judging by how many searches are done daily on Google!

Now we have got rid of those silly fears, lets get down to brass tacks. The reason you are reading this article is because you want to know the 'Big Secret to Losing Weight'!

Have you noticed that when you open any diet book, the first several chapters are spent 'teaching' you about 'positive thoughts' or even why you have 'failed' on every single diet you have ever been on. Ok, lets get real here for a moment, I know what I am going to say is really going to screw my chances of making any money selling affiliate weight loss products!

Effective Weight Loss is not Rocket Science.

There I said it, but it's true it's not Rocket Science. Where people fail is not because they don't have the information, in many cases it is because they have too much information. Just type into Google the word diet, and you will be presented with all the information that you will ever need.
So if losing weight is not about knowing how many calories 1 gram of fat contains, help me Jay what is the answer?

Sorry if I sound like Sai Baba or some other guru, but the answer you are seeking is........YOU.

Jay, what do you mean I am the answer to the question? What kind of new age rubbish is that?

Weight Loss comes down to two things:

Yes or No

That's it, I told you it wasn't Rocket Science. You know what needs to be done, you want to lose weight , stop making excuses and start doing what needs to be done. Some people call this being Pro-Active, I would agree but with a little twist. Life is about choices, yes or no, do or don't do.

So next time your passing the Golden Arches, remember it's all about choices:

Big Mac and Super Sized Fries.....or A slimmer you?

I promised you the Secrets to Weight Loss, and I did it on one page and it didn't even cost you $39.99. If I could put this information in a 60 Page E-Book, I would make a fortune!

Safe Travels
Jay Pierce aka The Guru.