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Tuesday 27 February 2007

Is your indifference killing our home.

I overheard a very interesting conversation the other day, the whole conversation was based around the topic of ‘I’ or should that be ‘Me, me, me’. The conversation basically went like this; ‘I got a new mobile (cell) phone last night, it’s really cool and it’s pink, I was so ashamed of my last one, but I am happy now because this is cool and it’s pink!’ The young lady looked over at me as if to say, look and me, look at my phone.

I could feel my anger mounting from deep within me, I felt like screaming ‘this world is falling apart, there is mass pollution, and children are being murdered for no reason, and you want me to pay homage to your stupid mobile phone, just because it’s pink!

People’s indifference is amazing, we seem to be able to justify killing other human beings, justify slavery because it means we can get cheap clothing and home furnishings. People are amazing if it’s not happening on their doorstep, they just don’t care. Well my friends global warming is on your doorstep, it’s on everybody’s door step!

I wrote an article about how people refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, this world is full of little egos battling to prove that what they believe is all good and holy and everybody else is wrong. Of course that attitude is natural, it’s what the ego does; ‘my car is better than your car’ etc. But you can’t afford to hold that kind of attitude when the planet is facing a massive crisis, wars are being waged all over the planet, chemical weapons are being used on a daily basis. Children are being born badly deformed as a direct result of the use of these chemical weapons, and the topic of general conversation is:

Look at my new pink phone!

One of the fastest way’s of rousing my anger is to show your indifference, there is/was an old saying ‘Ignorance is bliss’ well look at what your ignorance is creating.

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