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Tuesday 27 February 2007

The Office Shadow

I have been working as a Financial Administrator for a big Multinational Company for several months now, this has been my first office J.O.B in about 6 years or so. But it still never ceases to amaze me how prominent the Human Shadow is when confined to the four walls of the office. There seems to be a never ending barrage of back biting and fake love.

There is one young lady in our team that has been made the scapegoat, the team are all very nice to her face, but as soon as she is out of ear shot the comments start to flow.

Working in an office is a good place to discover just how conscious you really are, to be honest I am finding it hard work at the moment, the constant negative energy is starting to tear away at me. Each day I come to work and I am faced with the constant negative energy, I am reminded how something as terrible as what is currently happening in the middle east can occur.
A world based on fake love has always been and always will be a receipe for pain and destruction.

A lot of people are still resting under the illusion that they are in some way perfect and that it is other people who have the problem, this is a very dangerous attitude to hold.
If you want to see what happens to a person when the negativity gets to them, then may I suggest you watch the film 'Falling Down', this is abit of an extreme example but it does happen and it seems to be happening more and more.

The only solution to preventing the destruction that we are seeing on a daily basis is to learn how to integrate your shadow, without this integration then shadow projection will continue to cause havoc on this planet and it's inhabitants.

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