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Monday 26 February 2007

What's the Big Secret to losing weight?

According to all the Marketing books I have read I am supposed to instill some fear into you the reader, perhaps by saying things like how obesity kills XXX thousands of people each year, or how about this one, fat guys and girls don't get laid! Well lets get rid of some of those silly fears:

1.We all know the risks of being obese, just switch on CNN!
2.Fat Guys and Girls do get laid, judging by how many searches are done daily on Google!

Now we have got rid of those silly fears, lets get down to brass tacks. The reason you are reading this article is because you want to know the 'Big Secret to Losing Weight'!

Have you noticed that when you open any diet book, the first several chapters are spent 'teaching' you about 'positive thoughts' or even why you have 'failed' on every single diet you have ever been on. Ok, lets get real here for a moment, I know what I am going to say is really going to screw my chances of making any money selling affiliate weight loss products!

Effective Weight Loss is not Rocket Science.

There I said it, but it's true it's not Rocket Science. Where people fail is not because they don't have the information, in many cases it is because they have too much information. Just type into Google the word diet, and you will be presented with all the information that you will ever need.
So if losing weight is not about knowing how many calories 1 gram of fat contains, help me Jay what is the answer?

Sorry if I sound like Sai Baba or some other guru, but the answer you are seeking is........YOU.

Jay, what do you mean I am the answer to the question? What kind of new age rubbish is that?

Weight Loss comes down to two things:

Yes or No

That's it, I told you it wasn't Rocket Science. You know what needs to be done, you want to lose weight , stop making excuses and start doing what needs to be done. Some people call this being Pro-Active, I would agree but with a little twist. Life is about choices, yes or no, do or don't do.

So next time your passing the Golden Arches, remember it's all about choices:

Big Mac and Super Sized Fries.....or A slimmer you?

I promised you the Secrets to Weight Loss, and I did it on one page and it didn't even cost you $39.99. If I could put this information in a 60 Page E-Book, I would make a fortune!

Safe Travels
Jay Pierce aka The Guru.

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