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Friday 20 April 2007

Paranoid or What?

Things on the beautiful planet of ours is changing, we are or should that be we have 'evolved' into two separate evolutions, one that is purely demonic and controlling and the other based more on Freedom and liberation. As of 2007 it is hard to figure out which evolution is going to survive, history shows that all evil comes up against a greater force.

It would be nice to think that we could all live together in harmony, but being realistic and logical for a while this is not going to happen ever. There are some people who believe that we are heading for the end times, as predicted in the bible, other people believe that the world is 'controlled' by a group known as the New World Order. To be honest there is a lot of evidence to prove that both is true, but then again the evidence is all very circumstantial, for the average person it is very hard to know what is true and what is just more propaganda.

What I know for sure is that when our right to choose is taken away from us, then that is when we should be more than just concerned. Our right to choose is being taken away from us on a daily basis, it won't be too long before our right to have organic food will be taken away. In Britain the powers that be are talking about plans to limit our overseas holidays to only one per year, and then we would have to pay a huge 'airport' tax, so that we can protect the environment.

The world is a backwards place, I believe that humanity sold it's soul a long time ago, we sold our soul for a brand new SUV and the big house with fortress walls and security on the gates. Truth doesn't seem to mean anything anymore, our rights are little more than distant memories of a by gone era.

I have been accused of being negative from the things that I write, and the feelings that I share. I keep forgetting that I should just sit here and say my mantra and visualize brilliant white light, and maybe pray to Jesus too.

I am sorry that I have shown you this negativity, I am sorry that I brought you to my blog and there was no marketing to read and no stupid product to waste your money on.

Contrary to popular belief I am not negative, I have a long since forgotten human belief and that is the belief of a better and more humane future. Everyday I live in hope, I live in hope of millions of people all over the world taking to the streets in peace and refusing to give into the tyranny that this planet currently lives under.

Well my friends that is what I hope for, what do you hope for? Or are you still visualizing brilliant white light protecting your brand new SUV?

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